Monday, October 19, 2015

Amazing Wine Fact Part 2

In continuance from last weeks post Amazing Wine Facts Part 1, we learned how wine can improve your sexlife, its health benefits, and which country is the biggest consumer of Reds. In this week's post we will learn how the label on a bottle actually tells you more than you thought, how the color of wine can tell you the region its from, and why women tend to get drunk faster.

So let us continue shall we?

5. A Name so sweet...

In many regions of Europe the location of the grape and the wine produced their has a direct correlation with one another. When you see on the label Bordeaux or or Cabernet Sauvignon, it is typically produced from the Bordeaux region of France.

In wines produced in other countries you almost always have the varietal (or name of the grape). So you would see something like Pinot Grigio from Washington. Below is an example:

6. What your color says about where you're from

Who knew that by looking at the color of a wine that you could tell so much, like its region, the weather, and typically where the vineyard is located.

It is often that darker shades of red and darker shades of whites come from warmer climates, whereas lighter shades come from cooler regions. Which when you think about it, warmer climates would produce stronger bolder flavors as they would mature quicker in the heat. Lighter colors are less strong and not as lush.

7. A woman's BMI is going to determine how quickly she gets drunk.

Lets face it we have all been to the bar and seen these 'white girl wasted' women who are completely smashed after two cocktails or glasses of wine. This is not because they are skinny or fat, its because women have a higher fat content and therefore would exhibit a higher Blood Alcohol Concentration. So even if you were to have a man and a woman of the same height and build, she would still have a higher BMI, and fat doesn't absorb alcohol. Sorry ladies it doesn't matter how much you run on your treadmill's or work out, or eat more carrot's than Bugs Bunny. The liquor gets into your bloodstream faster.

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